Evil Dead Rise

WRITTEN and directed by Irish filmmaker Lee Cronin, Evil Dead Rise is the fifth instalment in the iconic horror franchise.

And despite the fact that Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell’s only involvement is as executive producers, it still proves a more than worthy addition to the cult favourite’s fiendish cannon of contorted delights.

The film stars Lily Sullivan (I Met a Girl), Alyssa Sutherland (Vikings), Morgan Davies (Storm Boy), Gabrielle Echols (Reminiscence), and Nell Fisher (Northspur), in one of the most gratifyingly grotesque cinematic experiences of the year.

This is a twisted and blood-filled tale of two estranged sisters, Beth (Sullivan) and Ellie (Sutherland), in which the action moves from a cabin in the woods to a poorly-lit and rundown city apartment block for a family reunion from hell.

The first sequel in a decade, Evil Dead Rise is definitely not one for the faint of heart or those with a squeamish disposition. But for fans of the series, well, you ‘deadite’-loving freaks, are in for one demented rollercoaster ride that should more than sate your devilish aberrations.

What Cronin’s film lacks in wacky humour and a melee of gonzo terror-stricken nightmare scenarios, he makes up for with an intensely heart-racing gore-fest, which leaves the big screen awash in gallons and gallons of blood for its 97-minute running-time.

The director tips his hat along the way to the original Evil Dead films, the master of the dark arts Stephen King and Spanish zombie franchise Rec. But this visceral and fast-paced horror extravaganza, which will leave you reeling in breathlessness, looks like it was shot through the chum bucket from Jaws.

Evil Dead Rise is a complete bloodbath — a nightmarish family reunion where flesh-possessing demons gatecrash the get-together and hurls everyone in their path into a primal battle for survival.

There will be blood, bucketloads of it, so buckle up and ready yourself for the not to be missed horror spectacle of the year.


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

THE cult horror franchise of Evil Dead is set to return to cinemas this year with the fourth instalment.

And director of the original films, Sam Raimi, is involved once more as executive producer. But for anyone chomping at the bit to see ‘Evil Dead Rise, Raimi’s latest film gears up nicely for the long overdue return of ‘Ashy Slashy’ (Bruce Campbell) to the big screen.

If anything, poor old Raimi, who is back in cinemas as director of ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness‘, seems unsure about which franchise he is even working on at present.

Is the new Doctor Strange film part of the Marvel Universe or the Evil Dead franchise? At times, I was as uncertain as the director, but maybe that was just the real madness of the Multiverse playing tricks on me!

Or perhaps, Raimi was having a senior moment when making the latest Marvel blockbuster. My own hunch though is, like many of us, he is just sick to the back teeth of these slick and soulless superhero movies that just seem to have melded into one at this point.

Enough already!

Raimi instead opts to bring a whole new dark horror element to proceedings. Sadly though, it really adds very little to a movie that was confounding and laborious from the opening scene. Still, I for one, am excited for the new Evil Dead film, and seeing Benedict Cumberbatch turned into a cape-wearing zombie went some way to whetting my appetite for its return.

This, of course, was only propelled by a cameo appearance from Evil Dead’s leading man, Bruce Campbell, who during his 60 seconds on screen was easily the best thing about the new Dr Strange film.

For my money, this isn’t a patch on the first film, but my kids thought it was the best thing since Pot Noodles, so what do I know?

Roll on ‘Evil Dead Rise!
